Anime, for as long as it’s been around, has been created and distributed in Japan almost exclusively. It was an artform that was originally developed by Japanese artists, but its popularity quickly found it moving around the world, picking up more and more fans, and inspiring artists in other countries. This lead to a rise…
Tag: anime shows
The Top Anime Shows for Grown-Up Viewers
Anime is a genre that has always prided itself in its ability to access a wide audience of all tastes, preferences, and, of course, ages. And while there is plenty of anime for children to watch, sometimes it’s worth finding a show that has a more adult theme that offers more intelligent, thoughtful plot-lines and…
5 Oldest Anime Shows Ever
Despite its popularity only exploding in the last few years, Japanese anime has been in circulation since the beginning of the 20th century when the country was working to try and modernise their culture. While historians debate it, most agree that 1917 was the milestone for Japanese animation. One of the oldest recorded pieces of…